Illinois Bicycle Law Pages

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Keating Law Offices Sponsors Evanston's "Pedal Bright" Bike Light Giveaway and Installation Event

The Illinois Bicycle Law Shield
On the Eve of Halloween (tonight, October 30th) Keating Law Offices is sponsoring the City of Evanston's “Pedal Bright” Bike Light Giveaway and Installation event. The goal of the event is to
provide bicycle safety information and help cyclists increase the visibility of their bikes with bicycle lights.

Teams of volunteers will install 400 free bicycle lights, distribute city bike maps, and provide a quick tutorial on the rules of the road for bicyclists. Bicycle lights will be installed on Thursday, October 30, from 4:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m., at two Evanston locations:
  • The Robert Crown Center located 1701 Main Street; and 
  • The Weber Arch at Northwestern University located at Chicago Avenue and Sheridan Road.
Illinois law requires that every bicycle ridden at night time be equipped with 1) a front light capable of emitting a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet, and 2) A red reflector on the rear visible from 100 to 600 feet. A lamp emitting a red light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear may also be used in addition to a red reflector according to the law.

The sponsors of the event are the City of Evanston, Northwestern University, the Evanston Bike Club, Wheel & Sprocket, Downtown Evanston, Active Transportation Alliance, Roycemore School and The Illinois Bicycle Lawyers at Keating Law Offices.

Attorney Michael Keating said the following about the event:
"I'm very proud to support the City of Evanston's "Pedal Bright" event. I lived in Evanston for years and am excited about this opportunity. This event will give us the opportunity to promote safe bicycling in Evanston. The use of bike lights not only make riding more fun because of better visibility but greatly increases the visibility of the bicyclist. It's also important that people know that it is the law in Illinois to use bike lights."